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Bloom wrote a number of books chronicling the lives of famous people, as well as biographies of her older relatives. Some of her biographical works are in fact novelisations based on real life events. Of the latter, I have listed here those fictionalised accounts that concern well-known figures from the late Victorian era and Twentieth Century. Bloom's historical novels, which are mainly set in the Tudor, Regency and early Victorian periods and were mostly written under the pseudonym Lozania Prole, could be said to fall under the biographical category. However, I have elected to list these titles on the novels page.

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Hitler's Eva
Published by Hutchinson, 1954
The cover image above is taken from the 1965 Arrows Books edition. This is a factual novel based on the life of Hitler's mistress Eva Braun. Prior to its book publication it was serialised in the Sunday Dispatch newspaper in 1953.

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Curtain Call for the Guv'nor: A Biography of George Edwardes
Published by Hutchinson, 1954

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The Girl Who Loved Crippen
Published by Hutchinson, 1955
The cover image above is taken from the 1965 Arrow Books edition. This is a factual novel based on true-to-life events concerning Ethel Le Neve and Dr. Crippen.

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Victorian Vinaigrette
Published by Hutchinson, 1956
The cover image above is taken from the 1982 Chivers Press edition. This is a biography of John Hague Bloom, who was the author's great-grandfather.

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He Lit the Lamp: A Biography of Professor A. M. Low
Published by Burke Publishing, 1958

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Parson Extraordinary
Published by Robert Hale, 1963
A biography of James Harvey Bloom, who was the author's father.

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The Rose of Norfolk
Published by Robert Hale, 1964
A biography of Frances Graver Bloom, a diddicoy gypsy who was the author's great-grandmother.

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Price Above Rubies
Published by Hutchinson, 1965
A biography of Mary Bloom (née Gardner), who was the author's mother.

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The House of Kent
Published by Robert Hale, 1969
A modern history of the Kent peerage including biographies of the various Dukes of Kent down the years.

The Duke of Windsor
Published by Robert Hale, 1972
A biography of Edward, the Duke of Windsor, who famously abdicated the throne in 1936.

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Princesses in Love
Published by Robert Hale, 1973
Biographies of various royal princesses of Great Britain.

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The Royal Baby
Published by Robert Hale, 1975
A book about children born into the royal family from the 1700's to the present day.

The Great Queen Consort
Published by Robert Hale, 1976
The story of Queen Mary, who was the Consort to King George V.

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Edward and Victoria
Published by Robert Hale, 1977
A biography of Queen Victoria and her eldest son Edward, who became king after her death in 1901.



Copyright © Richard Simms 2016
